Rudge Motorcycle New Spares
We know how vital it is to fit good quality spares to keep your bike running well. The Rudge Enthusiasts Club offers new rudge spares as well as offering used spares when they become available.
The Rudge Enthusiasts Club produces a range of high quality spares which it sells to Members in an online store. This sells high quality Rudge Motorcycle Brakes, Chain Case/Guard, Clutch, Engine, Foot Rests, Frame, Front Fork, Front Mudguard, Gaskets, Gear Control, Gearbox, Handlebar, Lamps & Accessories, Nuts & Bolts etc, Petrol & Oil Tank, Rear Mudguard, Saddle, Silencer, Stands, Tool Box & Tool Kit, Transfers, Wheels and much more.
Below is an example of a section in the Members Area Spares Store. Become part of this active and supportive Club today! Shop online while getting the fantastic support from other Members.
We have a wide range of spares available for most models and we are actively working on manufacturing new items to add to the range. Parts are made in the UK using, where possible, original factory drawings.
Used/Secondhand Rudge Spares

The Club also runs a section devoted to finding stocks of second-hand spares. These are available ONLY to Members.
Inside the Members area of this site is a section of the Members Forum where Members can post sales/want of spares. This can be a useful source of spares as well.
Access to this section is available ONLY to Members. Join today!
The beauty of this is that it is immediate and is often used by members to sell spares to fellow Club members at a fair price (rather than online auction sites for example).
Buying Rudge spares
The club is always interested in buying spares from members and non members. A fair price is always paid and usually means that another Rudge makes it back on the road. If you have spares to sell, please contact the Used Spares Officer:

Members Forum
The Rudge Enthusiasts Club has an active Members Forum. It's a great place to ask for tips and advice for a project, arrange to meet up for a ride out or just socialising with fellow Rudge Enthusiasts!
New Spares
The Club runs an online new spares store for Members which is growing all the time in its range of Rudge Spares. All spares are manufactured to a high specification and can be delivered worldwide.
Inside the Members area you will get access to search original Rudge factory technical drawings which are available to download in PDF format - essential for your restoration project.