WM2x19 (f), WM2x19 (r). interchangeable with black enamelled rims. Bolt on rear sprocket.
Inverted 6” U section, unvalanced, front and rear. Rear with detachable tail section.
Petrol/oil tank black with gold lined panels. Twin Westwood type fillers with front fitted petrol balance pipe. Single bolt damper arm fixing.
4 valve 499cc with cast iron open valve cylinder head, parallel inlet valves and parallel exhaust. Rockers carried on cast pillars. 18mm side plug. Forward mounted ML Maglita or round ML magneto. Round based cylinder barrel and webbed drive side crankcase. Oil feed to rear of cylinder. Timing side crankcase with ‘Rudge Whitworth’ cast in. (note that early crankcases did not have the ‘Rudge Whitworth’ cast in). Cast alloy oblong rocker cover with ‘R-W’ cast in.
8” front and rear, coupled with steel shoes.
Miller 7” headlamp with No 74E 6-0-6 'Lighthouse' ammeter # and 34E rear lamp.
4 speed gearbox with hand change on RHS of tank. Steel primary chain cover. ‘Rudge Whitworth’ cast into gearbox quadrant cover.
Amal type 6/141 with Amal 2 lever or optional twist grip control.
Twin 1 _” low-level downpipes into Rudge ‘can’ type silencers and 6” fishtails.
Rear carrier (at no extra charge), 1” handlebars with folded type inverted levers and steering damper. Single toolbox fitted to nearside of machine opposite the battery carrier. Open ended ‘D’ section forks.
Chromium plated tank with black or maroon panels. Nickel plated tank with black or maroon top and side panels. Maroon panelled tank and mudguards. Bonniksen trip/non trip internal drive speedometer. Time speed meter. WM2x21” or WM3x19” wheels.